
GitHub - masami256/yurex: play with yurex device.のをmakeしたものを実行すると

debian /home/karo/tmp% sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib ./yurex
Yurex info
Vendor: 0xc45
Product: 0x1010
Open Yurex device is success
Kernel Driver Active
Kernel Driver Detached!
Claim to Yurex device
ret is 0
Start search endpoint
find endpoint
Number of alternate settings: 0x1 | Interface Number: 0 | Number of endpoints: 0x1 | Descriptor Type: 0x5 | EP Address: 0x81 |
libusb:warning [do_sync_bulk_transfer] unrecognised status code 1
ret is 0xffffff9d : actual is 0
Write Error
libusb:warning [do_sync_bulk_transfer] unrecognised status code 1
ret is 0xffffff9d : actual is 0
Reading Error
debian /home/karo/tmp%
